Monday, March 18, 2024


hiiii annyeonghaseyo yorubun!!!


im well over due for a new blog post,,,sumimasen oomf chan ehehehe

BUTTT before i start!!!!!! murzic

Today's Song btw is: AQUALOVERS ~DEEP into the night - T.M. Revolution

this song is so good it triggers something in my brain i am transferred to a different universe,,,crazy

mannnnnn ive done so much since my last post,,,well i didnt realize for a while til i thought abt it for a while but!!!! we move!!!!

im having a havinf a hard time typing this post,,,,YOU KNOW WHY,,,,,,,,,,,

i did my nails (* ̄3 ̄)╭

i actully did my own acrylics one time b4 for the first time,,,,we dont talk about that

this time was significantly better tho LMAO since i havent taken them off immediately hehe
(they are however, falling off lawl)

practice makes practice!!!! im proud of them even if they are kinda lumpyyyy 

you know ehat ive been thinkin recently or MORE recently since ive mentioned it before,,,,im just not sexy enough

its a growing problem i dont really know how to tackle LOL

ofc its not easy to tackle,,, its the first time im really starting to think of myself in like,,,hmmmmm,,,,in my 24 years, that im not a completely sexless being!?!?!


its a confusing revelation for me 
i always see more provocative pics and wonder if i can do something like that,,,like i have to ask permission first,,,but ask who i ponder

part of me wrangling this thought IS this blog post hehehe
its honestly really uncomfortable and nerve wracking to talk abt but we move!!!!

either way,,,if u see more pics of me leaning in a sexier direction,,,turn ur head,,,teehee

i started a pinterest board recently with some of the vibes im aimin fa!!!

im thinkin,,,,body,,,im thinkin slay,,,,idk u have to be melding with my mind to understand what im putting down rn,,,SEXAY!!!!!

im very obseesed with the first and last pic they are simple but still very cuntay
maybe im just taken by them cuz i never take pics like this but LISTEN!!!!! ,,,*scratches ass*

but i want to take more pictures in general,,,like of me cuz thats criminally lacking in my blog
no pics of ME on MYYYYY blog,,,,,,wtf bro

Speaking of ME 
me and me new hair

i did my hair huehuehue

one messy and disgusting the other messy and disgusting (styled)

this is probably goin in the top rank of my fave hair all probably because of the length HHEHE

my favorute,,,,,,big on top thin at the bottom,,,

(i love u yurutan)

but mine is always even poofier on top eheheh

hopefully to be bigger!!!! 

i honestly need someone to do like a 360 of my hair in person one day so u cange the full affect like ppl who go to salons but i did it myself hehe

man,,, i would truly be a hair stylistn if ppl did their hair like i do LOL
its one of my greatest joys and hobbies,,,,i love to do my hair HEHH

theres no market for it tho and im not interested in doing other kinds of hair so erm,,,

yknow what else i really need to start dying my own braiding hair like theres colors i want but u just cant by ESPECIALLY not in my preferred type/brand,,,

fucked up i gotta get off my ass and do somethin,,,,damn,,,


what else was i gonna say,,,buhhh,,,

did u also see i started the forum FINALLY!!!

im glad that ppl have joined hehehe its a little slow but this is fine by me 
PLS.,,,,,,,post,,,it would make me happy

ALSO my bday is coming up,,, 4/8 will be upon us in no time and i have NO CLUE what im gonna be doin!!!! i been thinkin abt takin a lil trippypoo to da beach but idk!!! we shall see,,,

i havent really celebrated my bday in AGES so im havin a hard time decidin 
u know what i really wanna do one day!!!??? have like semi professional pics taken

not like im a model or some shit
it would be my own lil gift to myself hehehe
i will frame myself and stare at dem lovinggly,,,,,maybe hehe

i must ponder this on my orb a little more 

thats it for todays post dechu

pls post on the forum 

on to a bigger haired, sexier year!!!!!


*pocha trapped in a cube*

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