Wednesday, February 21, 2024


HELLO MY FRIENDSSSS*sing songy voice*

im writing to u from my silly little desk

and im watching a live broadcast of Fuji TV Next about like,,,,men voiceovering videos,,,its about seiyuu,,,,MAYBE????

i dont fuckin know i like it HEHEHE 

here is a screen shot from the show that i will not explain further:



how are u today,,,IM IN A GOOD MOOD!

mostly cuz i got this japanese tv thingy i was just wishing i had something like that last night so its めっちゃラッキーkekeke 

i need good jp input and listening practice saur this is is awshum,,, watch i will be speaking like crazay soon

speaking of last nighttttt i also took out my hair,,,,no more green moment,,,,i keep thinking i should finally make a tutorial but im just so lazy,,,*falls to my knees*

the green era is OVER!!!!
It was nice while it lasted! greeny green is not a color i thought i would love but i did :D

HOWEVER,,,,,,,,,its much darker than my usual yknow,,,,pochards brand is LOUD, so i do miss looking like a highlighter so im retiring the green

it will be back,,,WITH ANOTHA COLOR! returning to my pink moment,,,,i wont tell u anything else tho teeheeeeee,,,,its a suprise,,,yall arent even ready,,,,

and lastly i got a posca marker EHEHEH

otherwiseeeeee what are yall up to >:3c

ive been listeniing to more dir en gray these days can u beweave it 
not that its like crazy and ive never had my rock moment but im suprised i HAVENT really gotten into them heavy b4 BUT at the same time i have not srsly listened to anything epic like this since middle school TEEHEE

i like dis song : RINKAKU

everyone say "thank you reo kun for clockwork oranging pochard"

still thinking about my forum,,,,it never leaves my mind  i need to finish it,,,,,,

u ever had like 1 last hurdle to get over and be DONE with something but u always get frustrated with the hurdle so u just,,,,,,,,dont do it,,,,,eheehee,,,,,bweh,,,,,

omg also have yall been seeing the uptick in gal posting on twitter,,, I HATE IT!!!!

 i guess its mostly annoying cuz its rehashing all the same problems of the gal comm all day all over again,,,,so tired,,, 

i just get sick of the same shit and being surrounded by unserious ppl LMAO 
join my webring got srs manba, yamanba and banbas ONLY!!!!
i stick to my blog and my random times i decide to post pics as always for nyeow lawl

other wiseeeeeeeee im finishing this while at work (half assing rn)

i will right again SOON, its hair time 

 however u say it


(P.S. that show was in fact about seiyuu takaya kuroda, my wife appeared and it was chooo awesome :3)

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