Tuesday, June 4, 2024

the joy of da lifestyle baybe


happy JUNE!!!happy gay month cuz u gay!!!

 (i meant to finish this in may but i kept getting distracted teehee)

i hope u are all feeling epic as always hopefully (* ̄3 ̄)╭

i want to tawlk today,,,,abt gal,,,,,as always
RATHA!!!!! i want to talk about life style,,,as always LOL


Today's Song btw is: Hey DJ! - Heartsdales

ive been obsessed with this song for like 3-4 days now its just so cute and fun
HEY DJ!!!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

call me a heartsdales fan thru and thru from now on i have to start buying all there cds

im broke rn so ermmm maybe in a month but i really wanna start collecting all my fave cds and i need to here them on that stereo speaker goodness

i already have my first one which is a ranzuki trance cd but i can only listen to it in my car lol

i need one of those big older stereos that are like dull silver with shiny knobs,,,bwehh,,,drooling,,,,crying even,,,!!!

  (i didnt mean for the music section to get this long HA)

ok outside of my purchasing desires lol

i want to talk about the joy of the lifestyle! ze hobby! ze lifelong change!!!!!

ive said it before but there should be more of a lifestyle based focused of being alternative and i believe that wholeheartedly, everything is instant gratification for clothes for collecting posted pictures for engagement ,,,

but i dont think anyone talks about like the perspective of somebody having plans over a long period of time!!!at least,,,,not that ive seen,,,,

i remember telling someone about what makes you a good gal and I gave a piece of advice saying you need to have a goal look which I think is true 

im not sure that there's many people who have a goal look for anything let alone gal actually,,,alot of people post alot of pics and inspo, do u wanna constantly skin walk hyper specific pictures or do u wanna have ur own style,,,hmmmmm,,,

just like in a career I think you should also have visual goals in your mind of what you want to be the who you want to be and what you want to create!!!

ive been thinking a lot recently about my future plans for the tattoos that will be alllllllllll over my body and the piercings that will be all done my ears! for the hair i might do in the fall and the years afterwards! for the things I'll do my natural hair like bleaching and dying to the things i'll do when i add extensions! what i want my room to look like,what i want my shoes to look like, my clothes, to the jewelry that I'll be wearing every single day all day,,, I even think about investing in permanent jewelry made of titanium that I can get welded on to me and never take off again!!!!!!

people don't seem to think like that for some reason and I don't really understand why. 

or at least why people don't try

it would do everyone in the world of good to start literally thinking about what they want as a person 

to a lot of people it will not be that serious but I truly believe it should be that serious for you and if it's not you need to find something to be that serious about in your life,,,

its quite literally become one of my reasons to live is to live authentically the way id like to look 

so its on being on like twitter and watching people make all these posts about what they wish they could do or waxing poetic about nostalgia for things but nobody makes any moves to actually do said thangs,,, everybody always has excuses for it or they want fast solutions which is why everybody seems to like buying from shein no matter how much they pretend they dont

but i think there needs to be more focus on the slow development of your life on the future plans that you have that you put into action on the future vision that you have for yourself 

make the Pinterest board you keep adding to literal plans that you make rather than keeping them on said pinterest board! 

the journeys are being the perfect you that you enjoy does not have to be something you do within one year or 2 years

ive been gal for 5 years and it will be the rest of my life that I will be gal. but it feels like for some reason people literally dont think of this as a forever thing,,, are you tired,,,if so ask your self why

this is why I dont believe that about 80% of the alt community online right now is actually alternative,,, because of its temporariness!!!


i want to put this mindset out to more people and I hope the people start thinking the same way or at least similar 
and again im not saying u need to put everything into action now,,,,but i wish there was more convening on our progress as we evolve ourselves,,,,,at least in the alt j fashion space,,,,bweeeh

i want to develop a rejuvenation of those who call them selves alt

honestly i dont even really like the word alternative anymore but its the only word that i really know of! I think that alternative can now be said as just another version of whats popular because it's not necessarily what the majority would do but it's not off putting enough to where people don't accept it 

alternative is just a substitute

i think we need another word but im not smart enough to come up with one LMAO

id like something that is harsher

i will think about it LOL


i hope u are all picking up what I'm puttin down!

this is not intended to be some type of major event or great rather I really do wish that, genuinely, we had real style movements these days lol, ones that last MORE!!!! than a month!!!

anywayyyyy, next post,,,, coming soon,,,hehehehe

remember i have a forum!!!!

i luh u



  1. HEWWO POCHA AAA!!!! HAPPY BLOGPOST ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ !!!

    I think my babysitter actually had the stereo you posted a picture of! I remember it cause I would put my tounge on the speaker cause the texture was funny! I'm on the hunt for one now too! I'll probably be hitting local thrift shops and I even cleaned up some of my room to put it in! I hate my room is so small but I'll figure it out lol!

    ALSO! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you're saying about being alt. People want instant gratification which sucks cause I feel like with everything it should be treated as a slowbrun. Humans evolving didn't happen overnight. So fashion and lifestyle doesn't have too either. What you said about goals is so true too! I finally paid off my debt, and now im excited about shopping for fits I want, but I'm not about to put my self back into debt while doing it lololol!

    1. HIII BANNNIIIIIIII!!!!! not u licking the speaker,,,honestly i would have done the same had i not been scared of getting in trouble LMAOOO
      i dont even have space to sit one on!!!! i need to but a cheap lil table or something i want to start listening to cds,,who needs spotify ╰(‵□′)╯
      ALSO YAYYYYYY SHOPPANG!!!! fr,,,,what happened to the beauty of the slow burn personal journey,,,, SAD!!!!

  2. HAIII!!!! i know im about 2 months late to this but i stumbled across this page around 10 minutes ago and everything about your blog is just perfect!!! cant wait for more posts <333

    1. KYAAA!!! ty for stubbling by desu,,,,,i love having other blogs to read i will read urs too 👼🏾🫶🏾
