Friday, September 20, 2024

beaches and mental breakdowns and fall feelings


long time no blog posstttt i am back and better than ever blehhh

ive been meaning to write for a while but I haven't been in the mood too,,,

and its been MONTHZ since i wrote so what better time than now TEEHEE


Today's Song btw is: OVER THE TOP - Hey! Say! Jump! 

did u know ive gotten very into hey say jump recently,,, another reo brainworm moment 

they are very awesome 

oohhh i love u heisei era older man boy group!!! AHHHG!!;

Guess my favorite,,,,



if u know anything about me personally i feel like its very clear and obvious i would like him but,,,,,hehehe


i went on trip with my friendz it was very fun mostly

  i learned alot about myself and how i can and will pray on my own downfall bleeehh

and its a bit emotionally taxing for everyone i think 

billions must work on their mental health (me)
but outside of that! I had a really good time and I was really happy to see everybody!!! I hope we can do it again sometime soon blehhh

i love u my friends so much,,MWAH

i've really been out of practice with writing it's been so long since I made a post even though I really wanted to but I haven't had the motivation lul

i decided cuz ive been doing art a lot more since I got back into Naruto LMAO 

I do in fact have a Rock Lee brain eating parasite !!!

speaking of i bought gaalee matching figs recently,,,,im not beating the fudanshi allegations HAHAH

i also changed my hair recently! over the trip when I had picking yellow I was like dying to go back to blonde but I didn't want to just do platinum blonde in my head cuz I feel like I get bored really easily if I have less than three colors LOL

SOOOOO I decided I was going to do something I don't normally do! brown! 

it's so cute I'm so happy with it sometimes I just look at myself in the mirror like this might be my top tier second favorite hair color HAHAHA

I don't know why I was so scared of brown thinking it would be really boring on me but the colors are like absolutely perfect to me I don't know I don't mean to praise myself too much but I look really good with this hair YIPPEE!!!

PREFERABLY, I would love for this to be my hair color when I start to bleach my natural hair! 

which I want to wear more often these days I know Ive mentioned it before but I really want to start like straightening my hair more often,,,

I gave myself a big CHOP recently so I would have to wait for my hair to grow out a little bit more but honestly carcinogens be damned Im ready to perm my hair again kekekeke

sometimes you just have to like give your hair a break and I dont want to NOT look alternative at any point but my natural hair makes me look like somebodies 40 y/o auntie so it seems i'm at an impasse,,,

maybe after a couple more paychecks I will start the bleaching process blehhh I got to build my courage to do it by myself !!!

along with my new hair color because its fall the colors are changing the weather is changing!!!

in my mind cuz of course that's not at fucking happening in florida but ive just been thinking about more cunty fem vibes for da season, I posted my inspos on instagram but these are essentially da vibe that im going for until like next year 

Im predicting when it comes to spring again I will want to do green and yellow hair ,,,,sprite,,,, BUT THATS FOR ANOTHER TIME!!!

but its fun being able to talk about pre-planning my wardrobe and my look,,,,i like it,,,

other than that I think thats mostly all the updates for now Ive been drawing a lot, Ive been thinking and focused on being more cunty, annnnddfdddd idk!!! 


I LIED I just remembered in the midst of writing this that i also am really focused on trying to decorate my room more!!!I really want to put stuff all over the walls and thats in pwogress and I really think things are starting to come together, before the trip I got this like big plush pillow that's just a pink die,,,, literally my prized position right now LMAO

i spend a lot of time in my room since i work from home so its really important to me that i start making this place look like im happy to be here and im starting to feel a little better just based off one of the walls i decorated so far!!!

(ignore my work equipment in the bg of the first pic LOL)

so yeah I figured that was all so important to say while I'm looking at my wall writing this post rn hehehe

eventually I will be the type to just post parts of my room just cuz I like it,,,SOON!!! it will all come together soon,,,

also I keep forgetting to say I also started school recently!!!!this is like a trial run cuz like I dont know if I'm going to stay in honestly,,,, idk what I want to do with my life so I'm kind of like trying to see if I want to commit to school again,,,, we shall see so far it's looking like it might start being too expensive HAHAHA

but keep your hands in your fingers crossed for me, we will see what happens!!!

other wiseree

I think this is the end of me post for now lul 

I'm glad to be back writing again and I hope to write again soooonbnn actually I think im going to start with another YouTube video I missed yapping in person so I might do it again like tomorrow I don't know we'll see!!!

until then I will leave you with another song!!!

I love this song,,, this is literally the fall vibe

ty for reading this whole thing! 

remember! stan gaalee 


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