Thursday, March 6, 2025

toned, tanned, fat & ready


well yes!!!!
im in such a good mewd todayy everypony  oh my GAADDWWW!!!!

im on a micro vacation b4 my new job officially starts so im sitting here twiddling my little fingers!

my birthday is in like a month and some change soon omg can u BELIEVE IT
im gonna be 26,,,,,, so scary lol i was just 18 yesterday whay the fuck (╬ಠิ益ಠิ)
 i cannot believe this,,,26 years young LMAO


i am so ready for summer to start ohemgee
Florida weather keeps going from cool to hot each week frankly im ready for it to just be hot atp
I NEED THE SUNNNNNN im so ready to go back to the beach but maybe when the whether is more predictable LOL

omg i might be moving to an apartment with a pool soon,,,,maybe,,,,,,crosses my fingers,,,,u will not be able to pry me from that pool if we get one unfortunately hehehe


Today's Song btw is: Erokawa Trance エロかわトランス

im listening to this album right now im so addicted to it especially to some of the transitions between songs later awn,,,its so good bruh u give me anything with a womans moans as apart of the song its already an insane bop,,,AGH!!!!!!

SPEAKING OF EROKAWA!!!!!!!im listening to the cd rn cuz all my gets came in!!!!!!!!
let us disguss!!!!

7 total this round!!!!!!! im so happy,,,,,i luh mursic

ive already listened to the 夏トラ2007 and the Trance Super Shiny and nooowwwww the Erokawa cd,,,,ACK!!!!!! i love it sm WAH
i cant wait to listen to the rest
i only had like 3 trance/techno cds b4 so these are welcome editions LOL
AND TBH i dont even like da ranzuki trance one that much
BUT,,,,its ok because peak hath arrived !!!!
also !!! my 3rd gaalee doujin has arrived!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY

im so happy,,,,,this is my favorite gaalee artist,,,i now have all 3 they have made in my position!!!! soon i will make my own i am inspired,,,,but thats enough for the fujo corner LOL

btw Ass up just started playing,,,,with my window open,,,,putting my neighbors on some real music!!!
also me and my vanderful friends reo and dami watched the parade live recently,,,,yeth i love hey say jump,,,,,yeth i was screaming and squeeing a lil bit,,,,,
i LOVE hey say jump!!!!!!!!!!!!

god u should have seen me when it was like the newyears performance they did and they covered other johnny group songs,,,,when i saw them cover SHAKE -SMAP ?!
god like i literally started sobbing bruh it was a moment LMAOOOOO

ive only been a smap fan since after they disbanded but i still have like an insane emotional attatchment to their music dont play like,,,,mistake around me or i will LOSE ITTTTTTTT
the combination of the two,,,BYE IM SICK!!!!HELP MEEEEEEE

i cant wait to but some smap and hsj cds in bulk,,,,i need to hear these on my stereo system like i need air!!!!!!
oh my dear Sharp CD-C2900 stereo how im madly in love with you,,,sighs dreamily ,,,

in otha pocha news LOL
tanning,,,,what is it?
im just kidding
 if ur an exclusive pocha blog non-sns reader u may not know i am a recent fan of using SELF TANNER!!!!! it makes me so orange/red tinted im a big fan of the IRL skin filter it gives me LOL

its way more pigmented on my legs than my arms,,,maybe im not exfoliating enough WAH!!!!!!
At first i was using this Jergans Ultra deep Bronze foam stuff which i like alot cuz i dont think its smells bad but eh,,,,i run out so quickly blehhhh

BUT NOW!!!! ive started using the btan gel in insanely dark,,,,i tried the darkest one first and its honestly on par with the jergens but u get more in the bottle for a better price smh,,,,btan W tbh
HONESTLY i wish there were more black ppl who did this so i could follow them for tips LOL
i know it was kind of a trend on tiktok a couple years ago but it like didnt last and barely any one talks about it anymore,,,,,what da fack,,,,

its very fun to be orange i need someone to be on the same brain wave as me with this

its less about being darker(tho i would do that if i could LMAO) and more to the literal orange level increase i wish my camera on phone picked it up better but my camera literally washed everything out WAH!!!!!

one day i will get a good view of it and ppl will see my vision LOL

till then im continuing to marvel at my own skin in awe hehehe
one day when i lose a bit of weight i want to try a spraytan!

BUT!!!! that is for another pocha on another day lul
it will be HIGHLY documented if it eva happens

SPEAKINGG OF!!!! ive been getting more srs about losing weight,,,,,everyone cheer me on pls is really hard to eat 3 health meals a day AND exercise,,,,,,,sick work ,,,,

ive been going to the gym more regularly i feel like im actually starting to get the hang of like,,,,,,working out rather than going to the gym and farting around for an hour and a half LOL
can u believe i literally just learned ur supposed to do cardio after weight lifting,,,,im a fool!!!!!!!!!!

BUT!!!!!!! THEN MY CAR TRANSMISSION JUST BROJK!!!!! so i  will need to up my at home work outs again,,,,,,,,,,i got this,,,,AAAAAGHHH!!!!!!!!!

if u have any sugestions for me!!!! feel free to let me know,,,,im disciplined in everything except this ehehe

my first goal: fit into a pair of apple bottom jeans i bought recklessly HEHEHE

AGH!!! whats that noise? my stomach is growling at me
thats my CUE!!!!!

im outta here i have a yogurt cup calling my name!!!!



  1. WAAAH SICK NEW BLOG UPDATE POCHA!!! I've been wanting to collect more cds so rn I'm living through you collecting yours!! `⎚⩊⎚´ -✧ please sir yaoi give us a lengthy review!!! Also AAAA YAOI CITY I LOVE DOUJIJS SO MUCH! Super happy seeing your Galees! Tbh it super cool seeing the tanning products you use to achieve your citrus glow 𖦹ࡇ𖦹 you're blinding me! And dude I get you weight loss is hard! I'm sending you lots of confetti and support! ദ്ദി๑>؂•̀๑) FIGHTING!!!

    1. HEHEHEH TY BNUUY!!!!!!!! pls,,,,collect cds with me we must enter the physical media space foreva,,,,omg a yaoi review,,,,,new blog post idea LOL TY FOR YO SUPPORT FRIEENNNDDD LOVE U MWAH!!!!!!!

  2. The cd collection…Sick…….Seriously #Awesome

    1. LOL TY!!!!!! i cannot wait for my CD collection to grow,,,,,,,pls support my future compact disc adventures LOL

  3. Crying tears of joy another pocha blog :D and about losing weight I feel you :( I'm a plus size gal too its just about to hardest thing I've tried to do BUT!!! I believe in us. When this Florida weather stops being crazy -_- we (YES YOU) will be hard at work in the gym I know it!!!! :3

    1. we are holding hands and working together,,,,this weight will come off one day ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
      i need to get back to parapara work outs for when i dont go to gym,,,,LETS GO!!!!! ♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪

  4. Wow, I did not know that you could tan as a black gal...
    Tbh I kind of wondered how it would look like but it makes sense that it gives the skin a shiny glow..I personally also love using the machines at the hisalo with red light or use only the red light mode for makes the skin super soft.
    If you need tips for losing weight, what helped me personally was intermittent fasting..I was able to lose 8kg in less than 5 months, with christmas etc. inbetween, I still eat quite normal with cakes, cupcakes or chocolate every now and then. Maybe you can try?
    after 12 hours of no food the body starts to burn calories naturally. So the longer you stay in the fasting phase the better it works. I personally fast between 14-17 hours. during the fasting period I only drink water, nothing else. Because most of my fasting is during night anyway you won't notice that much tbh.
    What I did notice is that when the "burning calories"-phase is about to start, it is when you get hungry the most but after the 14 hour mark is gone, you don't even realise anymore you had no food and I could stretch it without problems. Today I even passed the 18 hour mark lmao. I honestly would love to try even longer periods but it might be tricky to fit it into my schedule. I think it is harder to have "proper" meals and restricting yourself than having no food for a while and when you eat to just eat what you want.

    1. we can!!! I personally like thinking of it is more of an IRL saturation filter, I work from home so I don't get nearly as much sun as I would like to, but using the tanning gel makes my skin wayyy more vibrant im addicted too it LOL also ive heard of the red light thing!!!! maybe i should try it one day hehe
      I definitely want to try intermittent fasting I think I tried my hand at it like some years ago when I was younger and I couldn't really get the hang of it but my eating habits have changed a lot and it might be worth it to try fasting again!!!
      I think this normal diet thing isn't really working for me A lot of times I have to put harsh limits on myself so it might be really beneficial, ty for your advice :D
