Saturday, April 22, 2023

did u know its 2006 rn?

Im back to say more things!!!

i really wanna blog more, im starting to want to using other social media less, it sucks really bad LOL
instagram, twitter its all bad, starting to take my blog being the only place i post srsly hehehe

hey so i hate 2023 LMAO
twidder sucks, every thing is generic
im choosing to stop letting it consume my life
yknow those street snaps, every (good)gals fav thing, we need more of those
we should go back to pre social media,,,at least alternative ppl should LOL

it feels like alt communities foster better with out clout goblins yknow, but obvs everybody is addicted so its gonna be just me for a while

Alternative ppl need a space to convene with other ppl who are of the same mind,,,and if that means giving up the easiest form of communication i will do it, to keep it pure lol


so that every one is forced to stop using it teehee

i dont even want stuff like myspace anymore
im gonna start taking emails and using forums , making custom websites and such
some ppl would call this desire being "stuck in the past"
i call it getting in touch with what i love instead of settling on what everyone else does
is it really alt if everyones doing it lol

im just ranting

i just hate the current state of alot of things
gal, internet,,,the economy
im going to start living for myself forever, i hope other ppl will join me one day LOL
i just want to feel the love put into things again!!!

ive been doing alot of introspection
i lost a friend(they didnt die they just suck), i turned 24 recently, and ive been thinking about how i dont let myself do much. Im antsy!!! im ready to finally be the pocha i believe myself to be lol
saur yeah

it will happen soon
for me and for anyone else who feels stifled 
im choosing not to feel so pessimistic
we will get what we want for ourselves one day
i promise!!!

thats all from me for now
remember manba supremacy as always teehee

make sure to stan tvxq


(P.S. im looking into how to make an old school forum, i have no idea but i want a gal one teehee)


  1. I feel all of this so much. Everything online sucks. Let's all go back to how things were in 90s/2000s pls. All social media is the same. And it's just not good for relationships and mental health.

  2. I could not agree more to all of what you've said <3 Found your blog today <3 Yes! More like-minded people!

  3. I would be so down for a gal forum!!! I think a wave of old internet nostalgia will hit the masses and we will see people make a return to these older, more creative, and intimate platforms. This is one of the most realest posts I've seen in a minute and encapsulates a lot of how I feel about social media.


  4. Love this!! I feel the same way about social media as well. I got banned off Spacehey for stupid shit sensitive 14-year-olds were upset about (said that using nouns as pronouns were stupid) and it was a serious wake-up-call that it was time to find another site that wasn't social media to post on. Guess I'm back to my roots and I'm loving it!! :)
