Friday, December 22, 2023

happy 2004- i mean 2024 !!!


happy new yearerr!!!!or at least happy new year soon teehee its decemba so i get to say that

tis the end of the year everyone,,, its time for pocha to be introspective and u also,,,if u want that is LOL

2024,,,,it IS 2004

BUT ITS NOT!!! tsk tsk tsk
*builds a time machine*

Today's Song btw is: SMAP- Kanshaして 

alot has happened to me tis past year? 2022 and 2023 are the same year to me atp idk what is what and who is who

but idgaf im chillin(me)

but i like to take the time to think about it, aside from all the negative shart

i made wonderful friends,,,i left my controlling ahh mom,,, i bought a car,,,

and yknow what!!! the year aint all that bad even if i was homeless and am broke, i stay optimistic!!!!! i may have lost, but i gained more than 10x in friends and experiences and wisdom of the pocha variety

i went to work more regularly in gal(blogpost post pending maybe sorta), i bought more cute clothes,  i wrote more blog posts than i ever have be for,,,, overall year review im thinkin ,,,,, B- for this years letter grade 

What did u do this year :^)? or last year and also year b4 last bcuz ur brain melted them together like mine did

*waits for ur response*

thats awesome and im so happy for u,,,maybe not, i wasnt paying attention LAWL

 On to da next year,,, my preliminary goals for next year!!!

 lift weightz

dress better, more often

 visit my fwiends

have fun

uhhhh (to be determined)

dats it

Thank you to all who read my blog btw 

I know i dont have the standard "gal" blog format, so if u read this fank u

i dont believe in blogs being formatted a certain way, or curated or anything like that and i hope more ppl start doing similarly

i will continue to post even more so!!! and more than like once a month!!! about what who knows!!!

but look forward tew it desu

anyway,,,thats all for this year

see u in the next millennia teehee



(click this or u will get a virus)


  1. Pocha lifting weights in ur Waccho era !! Hope u have the most amount of fun a human can have in 2024 ♡

    1. istg the muscle i will be gaining in 2024,,,,crazy

  2. YEEEES! Living for your blog posts! "i dont believe in blogs being formatted a certain way, or curated or anything like that and i hope more ppl start doing similarly" YES! You affected me in that! My big inspo! <3
    What a crazy year of yours omg 0.0 but bravo for having such spirit <3

    1. wahhh ty 😭😭😭 im surprised my self when I think about how my year has been but im choosing to take it in stride LOL
